Rules for Registration of Newsportal in India

As per rules Prescribed by MIB ( Govt of India )


The general terms and conditions prescribed for the representatives of print and visual media will also be applicable in case of online editors, correspondents, camera persons.


  • A news site / portal means a website which has at least 1/3rd of its visible content related to news & current affairs originally reported by its own correspondents.
  • The publications on behalf of which accreditation has already been given will accommodate their online journalists within their existing quota.
  • The site should have paid subscribers. However, it should not be insisted on the subscribers right now but some preference will
    be given to the news sites having subscribers.
  • Online news agencies will be governed as per the existing rules prescribed for news agencies.
  • The site should have a minimum annual revenue of either Rs.20 lakhs from its news portions only OR Rs.2.5 crores from the entire
    website including its news portion.
  • The site should be updated regularly and at least 6 times daily.
  •  The news portal should be observing the laws of the land in terms of content, service, promotions, finances and any other aspect of
  • The news site should have been functioning for at least one year.
  • The domain name of the site should be registered for at least the next 5 years from the date of application.
  • The site should have at least 10,000 page views per day of its news-portion.
  • The issue of determining the authenticity of the site may be decided in consultation with VSNL in case of any doubt.
  • In the event of a website/portal found involved in any activity perceived as cyber crime now or in future, all accreditation given to
    representatives of that website/portal will be withdrawn at the discretion of the DG (M&C).


Source of Information as mentioned in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Website

Reference Article for More understanding about News Websites and Its Registration in India :.

Do news websites in India need government approvals? files for FDI approval

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